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January 08, 2019

Chairman Thompson: Sowing Fear, Trump Lies Directly to American People

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on President Trump’s primetime address on border security and immigration:

“As predicted, the President’s address tonight was nothing more than the fearmongering and lies we have come to expect from him. Besides what the President’s own terrible policies have created, there is simply NO emergency at the border.  A wall is not the solution to the crime and tragedy he describes. A wall will not stop the flow of illegal drugs he talks about, which overwhelmingly come through legal ports of entry. A wall is ineffective and a waste of taxpayer dollars.”

“I see no indication tonight that the President is willing to negotiate in good faith.  It is time he realizes the harm caused by his needless shutdown and works with Democrats to reopen the government.”

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